Make a Plan for The Healthiest Holidays Ever

Make a Plan for The Healthiest Holidays Ever

Life gets busy.  Phone ringing off the hook, people knocking on my door constantly, two people in my home building up a new business and a dear friend needs my help..busy.  Oh, and Rosh Hashanah is coming and I haven’t even thought about a menu but my son wants me to send him a brisket…busy.  

I feel a tightness rising up through my chest into my throat but what bothers me most is that I feel ‘off centered’.  My brain is in a state of chaos.   I feel like I just do not know what to do first.  Do I grocery shop? Laundry? Buy stockings and socks and new earrings for the girls?  At least I defrosted the brisket – that I knew.   

I was thinking that many of my clients have that same feeling when we first make contact.  Should they stop eating sweet potatoes, get more sleep, put their sneakers by the bed so they put them on in the morning…where does one begin and how do you know where to start?  You may have good intentions but with a jumbled and hazy array of possibilities, it’s very easy to just go back to sleep and throw the sneakers under the bed! 

Without a focused plan of action, you may feel out of control and helpless…and we still have close to 20 Yom Tov meals to eat (and prepare)  in the next month!

Don’t give up hope!  Making healthy food choices and finding time for effective workouts are my specialty!

We still have a few more days before Rosh Hashana and a good solid two weeks before Sukkot so armed with a game plan, you can be well on your way to having the healthiest Yom Tov season ever!  

Below are a few strategies I use and share with my clients – and they may work for you too.  

You can choose all or none (use your free will here) and jump start your fitness and well being dreams into reality.  I would love to help you get started on your journey – get in touch and schedule a time for us to chat about it (yes, even this week…I promise I’ll find some time!). 

  1. Drink more water.  There are two fast days between now and the beginning of Sukkot. That means days hydrating your body and an opportunity to eat much lighter meals to break your fasts. I have not touched a bagel in a decade and I eat light protein and vegetable meals before and after my fasts  – try it – it’s invigorating.
  2. Add walking to your daily routine – even a 15 minute walk in the morning will get your body in movement mode.  Just do it, you’ll feel better.
  3. Get enough sleep.  Enough said.
  4. Cook the most wonderful and scrumptious Yom Tov meals for you and your family using whole foods that do not contain ingredients from a jar or package.**  Forget cranberry meatballs and luchen kugel.  Forget salad dressings made with sugar.  There are plenty of options out there…I dare you to find some new family favorites.

** The exception here is honey that would be very messy if it did not come in a jar…as in all good things, moderation is the key.

  1. Eat what you need and ignore the rest.  No really, ignore your fluffy and fabulous challah.  Eat the amount you need to eat and fill your plate with salads or just sit there politely minding your own business.  No need to engage with the challah, you’ve already eaten what you need…now get the rest off your plate.
  2. Build muscle strength – if done right, it is the way to transform your body and experience a plethora of amazing benefits.  No equipment is needed and workouts can be quick and efficient.

Helpful?  This is just a general outline – when we partner together we fill in the details so you can gain strength, vitality, and feel empowered and accomplished.

I would love for you to get in touch.

Shana Tova – May this year bring sweetness and good health to us all.